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Slacking Around
[band] Avenged Sevenfold
[band] Fall out boys
[band] Backstreet Boys
[band] Linkin Park



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» Tuesday, April 29, 2008 / -8:28 PM

18th grandparents new house

before =)

after =x

the rooms~

chocolate crunch XD...yummy~~~

emo??no la....boring~~~

» Monday, April 28, 2008 / -10:22 PM

llaas...bk to post again le.hehe...yesterday was sunday...hmm..went out wit family and go eat restaurant wit toa payoh...then after tt go "swesan" wat ice cream =D..hv some pic taken..hahas...nxt post then post...lalas..todae was monday..lalas...morning go to office and do duty...then after tt it was english.,..lalas....boring~then its was physic..last 10min..i suddenly slpt..duno y...dead le..then after tt was 2 preiod of PE..lalas...did pull ups..then go ply badminton wit prz and fun~~~lalas..ply until so tired and hot~~todae so warm la..then after pe..i start to hv hand and leg..>.< icty tepmted to go scratch...but hv to tahan...>,.< after tt finish sc le..hahas

I Love Her =D Day 60

» Friday, April 25, 2008 / -1:46 PM

hahas..bk to post again is chinese paper 1 and 2...yesterday was english paper 1 and 2...hahas..lets tok about yesterday paper 1st ba..hehe...was ok..i manage to do tt difficult....but i wrote the passage for like 1 hour to deeply understand wad is it all about..then started doin..everything was smooth..lalas...then todae is chinese paper..paper1 was ok for mi..i chose qn1 for section1 and qn4 for section2..hahas..cause i dun understand wad the que is asking for the formal letter de...thus i did th informal one..lalas..after tt break then it was paper2..was so diffcult until like whole mind full of chinese words..i did the first passage...then realli bua tahan go lie down rest awhile..then woke up..choing the last pasage...left 5min after i do finish let my mind rest ..lalas..after tt go goin out again to amk hub wit john and weichen..ply initialD..=)..lalas...gtg...tata

I Love Her =D Day57 <3~

» Wednesday, April 23, 2008 / -11:43 PM

yoz..finally bk to post so long nvr post le..lz ma..=x..hahas..todae is the day b4 exam starts...hahas..monday on 21...was english ral...i didnt do well for my readin aloud cause teacher said tt im too nervous..but i did quite good for my picture and conversation cause tt teacher said im able to expression my self clearly..=D..the next day was chinese not confidence wit my chinese oral...sob la..b4 tt a gal from 5b2 sat infront of me..actually is my fren's fren..she say mi at kallang tt time during band competition...and she ask mi whether am i the one who were at the kfc there...wearing the mr happy tee..lalas..i said yea...then chatted awhile..thought i stil duno her name? O.O...lalas..then todae is wed...hmm...SS i slp again..after gettin my test 11/19...i tried my best im happy wit mi result..=)...2ml was english and teacher did thought us more b4 our advance exam 2ml...=D...then todae i went around askin ppl who hv chinese dic to i myself do not hv one =x..sob..all in need use..but elson told me tt he may hv an xtra i say...okie..2ml bring..then i huiling maybe heard wad i askin ba..then told mi she had eletronic de dictionary...=D...b4 tt i asked those who hv both eletronice de and normal de...but they say they needed both..cant blame them for not lendin mi...then i suddenly thought of something..hmm...i go to teacher drawer and open...O.O...there are 2 dictionary in it..cause last time i remember tt ther are 2 dic in it....and still in it..and im able to use it..lalas...thnks tt ms chang thought mi and other 5 boys to help her after sch to place tables and chair at hall for oral exam..hmm...we did it quite fast...5min or so...then after tt teacher treated us drink..but we insist tt to use it for 2ml..hehe..2ml can save money for recess le..hahas...then i rushed sis wanna use com thus i go study for my english...then after tt i fell asleep...about 5.20i woke up..i said i wanna us com..then i use lor...

my sin now is lv52 le...hmm..quite slow le ba..cause exam coming and i still cant ply...went in and chatted wit my maple "dear" i decide to scroll my cape ...hmm..i wanna pass 5 60% de...but the scrol is quite i bought 4 70% de...i fail and boom 2 donated by my "dear" la..then i try another one...i put i 60%..then 2 70%...left 2 slot le...6luk in it le..i put one more 70%..."the scroll has destroyed your item" ....='(..sad la..walao..i spent close to 10mil jus to scroll it and i didnt manage to do im pok le..waitin to trade my scroll wit a bidder..hmm..i think i gonna buy 10 acash and sell to iangelial for her's cash service..gonna scroll fully 5 60%...i dun wan to buy any more 70% scroll jus because it is cheap the end is still a put all 60%...

hmm..y now adays my frens all say i emo...i seem to be quiet doesnt mean i emo wor...or i always sleep in sleep doesnt mean i emo wor..i jus purely too tired to tok im not emo-ing la =( dun worry mi =)

I Love Her =D Day 55 <3~

» Sunday, April 20, 2008 / -6:52 PM

lalas...bk to post again le..=)..hmm...todae woke up around 11.30am...hnm...woke up...1st thing to do...brush teeth la-.-..lalas...skip other parts..then on com..went into maple..then lalas...on radio on my mp3 and listen yes933 top 20 countdown..heard some of the song i like and some new song..lalas...first is "cha jian er guo" by lee sheng jie...2nd was "wei ni xie shi" by wu ke qun..both my fav songs=D..lalas...listening it whiile plyin maple...lalas...after tt ply until 4pm plus..i go bath...wanna go out and buy foolscape and ply some initiald..lalas...then todae i ply challeged my one of my old initiald fren...i won=D..and then the 2nd one was quite funny..i was in "accepting challeges" mode...and a guy came..he came challged mi...but when he go to "in-store battle"..we cant link to ea other...glitch?..lalas..then i see him not tt challage him lor..lalas..i won...=D..lalas..completed my story mode for 3 time le...=) about it le ba..2ml hv sch again...lalas...

I Love Her =D Day 52

» Friday, April 18, 2008 / -8:59 PM

hehe..bk to post again le..lalas..todae morning...very tired la...erm..first period was MT..2 period..i slept my way though it la..walao...cause yesterday ply maple until 1am plus..then sleepy...lalas..after tt was english...teacher nvr come..lalas..go hall..i use my book to be like something for my head to lie on..lalas..reali went into deep slp la..duno y hall so nice to slp..lalas..after tt ss...i thought teacher came..bk in the koh was bz...thus relieve teacher came in our class...lalas..i slack and chatted wit jasmon and dragon..hmm..after tt was recess...lalas...bored~~then it was maths...sibei sian la..then last period chang came...was target setting for out exam again..duno y everytime need do target settin wot..then after tt was after sch le..then san left sch..he pon!!llol...PS mi alone..then i go to jasmon there and sit...lalas...the chinese course was the last one for todae..lalas..then i like dun feel like doin la...then shuyi infront of mi keep disiao mi!!!...first time tok to her..=)...lalas..after tt i alone go home...lalas..alone in bus...then after tt chatt wit banana and huiling...hmm..after tt i rush home..called weichen ask where him..cause wanna go ply initiald ma...then he say he at amk hub wit john and LJS le..then i faster rush to amk hub lor..hehe...saw them/....then i started plyin..~~lalas...i finally win the final char in the storymode...bunta...lalas...and i goin to tune finish my ECU statue step6..and i need to defeat one more char in game to complete my story mode for the 3rd all about it le ba...lalas...goijn bk maple...

» Thursday, April 17, 2008 / -5:50 PM

lalas...bk to post again le...hehe...todae at sch..hmm....early norming no mood...first period was chinese...go though paper..but whole class rite is full of the painting smell...cause yesterday painted table XD...alals...after tt was history..hehe..suddenly my brain working le..then can ans wad mr nair askin...XD..then recess...ate real quick...then it was physic..hmm...goin though paper..lalas..i got listen o...the listen...then it was math...erm...todae go check one que nia...then 2 period of english...go CR..practice oral...lolz..the recording dam find la..lolz at elson...hello? hello? hello?crazy guy..lolz...then after tt got 20min break...after sch wad...then need rush bk class from remidial for maths...go to the other classroom..lalas..i sat beside jasmon..then after tt i listen the whole lesson..didnt sleep..cause i told jasmon tt if i sleep..wake mi up long la...say hao 1hr 30min..then extend more 30min,total 2hr...tired at tt...well..after tt went home le..along the way chatted wit jennifer about my problem i facin about it ba...tatas

I Love Her =D Day 49 <3~

MIA statue now...(about something)

» Tuesday, April 15, 2008 / -7:28 PM

hmmm...really no mood todae mood to blog too le...haiz.y am i dropin "sraet" now adays..wads gonna happen 2ml...only gods know the ans...

I Love Her Day 47 <3~

(busy again)


» Sunday, April 13, 2008 / -7:42 PM

my initial d car...hehe RX-7..nice? XD

lalas...the offerings

the burning of something at the temple there..not sure...but very polluting sia =x

» / -7:27 PM

lalas...bk from outside le..hehe..jus now 2pm plus went to bishun thewre to prey prey wit family..lalas..cause this month is the duno wad la..only know how to say in chinese..lalas...then at car..i too tired le ma..cause jus now 11pm am plus reach home..then nvr sleep...using com =x...lalas..then slept in the slpy la..yawn~~then after tt reach crowded la..i hated l\it...then went walkin by..saw hui lalas...go pry pry...lalas..after tt go makan..hahas..went to ths bishu there de chicken rice there...alot of ppl q-ing up la..i wlike waited 15min then reach my turn..hmm....i was expexting it was very nice..cause i young used to come here and wat...and todae wanna eat again...btw..i morning ate 925 chicken rice =x..lalas..nvm...then i ate alot la...the chicken rice was ok la..i think 925 rice is more nicer then it...i total ate 1 1/2 rice until cant walk le..=x..hehe..after tt i go bk to yishun bk train goin to do my homework le..tata...some pic taken will be posted at the next post

» / -12:11 PM

my initialD 4 card


outdoor stadium..feel like goin wrestlemania24 when entering..XD

» / -11:53 AM

hahas...finally bk to post again..was MIA the pass 2 days...hmm...friday....well i forget to bring home house key...thus...stuck at outside...from 3.30 onwards...lucky i got bring hp..then someone pei mi sms lor =D...hahas...between the time..i walk to chon pang(812 route)...i slowly way..i took 40min to reach..omg..!!so long la..lalas...after tt go bk house below..did some packin in my sch bag then waited for dad to come bk home..was total waiting time...4 hours..lalas...after tt was sat..well friday nite at home was grat...then it was sat..early morning i went to chambers and has been a long time since i go...well..then saw som i known de...some i hated while some are ok...but tt after noon...receive a bad new..haiz..was sad la...then did something wrong..haiz...then i meet up wit friends at katib goin to the band syf...lalas...TK band owns it la..walao...very godly la..lolz..after TK we go off le...was goin to the shopping centre but san called mi..then meet up lor...saw kui en they all...after awhile i and san wanna go shopping centre..duno y we left...hmm..when goin to the toilet...i waitedd outside...then suddenly got a guy came out..he stared at mi...then i oso keep staring bk lor..lolz...diao diao diao...but after tt no problem le ba...then we go to shopping centre for too long until the performent is finish oso duno..then the girls was leaving le..when we called we go search for them..lookin desperately for the bus stop they at la..but at last,,we found them...thnks god for giving one more chance..=)..lalas..after tt they go another place to study..i and san meet wit jasmon they all..sian...bored~~suntec sia...-_-..then after tt they goin bk...i and san decided to buy something...lalaas...after tt i rush down to a place...hmm...nothing much...dun wan to they u all wad happen.=p..lalas...then go home...san go find yen ling jie..but she cant come out..then we go eat..after tt i decide to go larry house..lalas...but they wanna go solomon house..go together lor...but b4 tt..todae my mood not so good...but at nite..around 10.30...i was realli happi..=)...hehe..then go fren la..ply ply around..sian nia..thenactually wanna go home at 2am plus..but all slp at fren nice slp la..maybe too tired le ba...hahas...then 9am plus then woke up =x..die le..forget tell mum i nvr come bk home =x..lalas..then after tt i go northpoint myself to buy something...hehe...wad thing..cant say..but gonna use alot of braincell and brain power..not for study...hehe..i not tt guai..hahas...after tt go ply initial d 4..cleared for the 2 time..hahas...was grat...change my avatar de hair style..lalas...took some pic yesterday at the parade...

I Love You =D Day 44 <3~

» Thursday, April 10, 2008 / -9:38 PM

lalas..bk to post agin....will skip todae sch thingy...another bored day...nothing much to say about it..lalas..then after sch..went to see movie wit kui en,banana,yenling jie,lee ting and duno wad movie..forget le =x..lolz...hmm.after tt go LJS eat..but i nvr eat...cause no mood and saving $$$..lalas...then after tt all goin home le...leeting and kui en went to a bus stop to wait for 811 but they jus left...then i pei they two wait kui en...keep repeating wad i and lee ting u down the road then u know..lalas..after tt when bus came then they left...i rush home..then faster go collect my phone cause morning i go web check whether my phone is ready for collection...hahas..lalas..then i go coleect my phone..go mac say hi to my working frens..lalas...then after tt go bk yishun ply initiald ver4 again..lalas...then go buy food eat...packet go all ba..quite tired todae...

I Love You =D Day 42 <3~

You're The One Who Makes Me REALLY Smile =)

» Wednesday, April 9, 2008 / -7:42 PM

its taken from the endin of initiald last ep....very nice song..this video de song is not full..but i hv the full version of it...comfirm will hear it everytijme i on my mp3..wont get sick of listinin to it everyday =)

» / -6:27 PM

hehe...bk to blog again..lalas...well..todae is wed..lalas...well...todae reach sch at 7am..lalas...then first period was chinese.was doin listening test...lalas...the 2n readin i was totally in sleep mode le..after tt was thst le duno how do le...then physic..teacher joke wit us again..ask we all...whose centre gravity is of female...lolz...whole class laugh la...lalas...cause we know wad teacher is tryin to say..then it was history...hmm..go CR3..go see powerslide...for our note on hitler...then recess...after tt was english...did wad oral thingy again..sibei sian nia...after tt was test again....manage to do it was ok ba...left 5min..i go sleep agin..hehe....then it weas 2 period of maths...lolz..sibei bored again...then last period was free...cause ms chang was bz wit band i think....then stay at class..listen mp3 and rot..lalas...after that i and san had decided to go gym after sch yesterday..lalas...then we go lor...SG..the bomber...say wanna the end..nvr come -_-'''...lolz..then san told mi say tt andre and LJS coming..then i say we go run abit first ba..we both run 20min at speed 11.0 ba...was not tt tired then runnig i ran 3.4km...lalas..after tt slack awhile...LJS came first...then andre came to gym by guy..lalas...then we train abit...then LJS had to go...he left at 4.15...then left 3 of us...i asked andre which eq to use if wanna train my shoulder..then he pointed my and guided mi how to use it...hehe...then i keep doin it..he say dun choing slowly do~~lalas...then jus now go weigh myself..lolz..50kg..omg!!!im 3kg heavier le..sob la..fat le la..~~~sian nia...after tt like tt very tired at gym la...then say go home le...thus we go home...lolz...will continue to train on my shoulder and pump more stamina to my body..thus u will see mi running 2.4km although i've passed my keep mi stamina high..=)..lalas...lolz...keep fit...dun always stay at home and use com/rot...get a L-I-F-E...=)...2ml gonna hv eng test..can say this week is test week..full of test man...`~~gtg...tatas

I Love Her =D day 41 <3~

» Tuesday, April 8, 2008 / -8:50 PM

hehe...yo....bk to post again..todae is tuesday...lalas....sibei late for sch todae...AGAIN!! have to drive mi go again...thnks lot..hehe...then lalas...first period was history...teacher continue teach..lalas...then 2nd period was maths..lalas...class text:matrix...lolz...tupid que 5b) wad S+1000I...wad the hell is tt quest askin...i only duno how do tt que sia...faint~~after tt was chinese...lalas...toade finally used long teacher nvr touch la...lolz...after tt was SS...todae ss was bored la..i fell alseep again..lalas...after tt was recess...then 5 period of DNT...i finally got my period's wood...lalas..cause last week almost all ppl got they wmaterial le..then my still hvn yet like dam lot of pieces of wood la...then frens keep askin..wad big project u doin o.i say..i duno wor..forget le =x...lolz...then lalas...was goin to nail and glue the woods le...but tupid teacher tell us pack up pack up...then pack up le oso nvr go design studio...then do test..lolz..20min??lmao...hahas...after tt do finish sleep...ahahaha...teacher told us to take put textbook..then lalas...i known is sleeping time..then after tt i woke up and noticed suddenly whole room so wierd la...cause everyone is sleepin..well not everyone...some...3-4 still alive..hahas...i heard ny fren say...he stop teachin at 2pm le..lolz..tupid rite..after tt we finish sch...go art 3rd floor fren frens..poor thing naggin their mafan la...lolz..after tt mi,san,kui en,jennifer,lee ting went to yen ling jie house...b4 tt i go san house take his ps2 go..lalas..we were soaked wet la...sian..then got NTUC go buy some finger snacks for the gals..and i,too, but something too...hehe =X..including buyin white chocolate for nice la...white chocolate wit cookies...hehe...nice~~~~then we tok tok la..ply ply around..i test my NFS prostreet disc...2 of them on san ps2...sian nia..actually is not my ps2 got the disc...god dam it la...-_-''...realli miss NFS prostreet..hehe...tupid kui en...keep plyin the barney wit jennifer and then throw at san and yen ling go cook noodles for us...swt ia...2 of them cook for us..hahas...mama and papa cooking things for us to eat..hahas...then nothing much ba...hehe...

I Love You =D day 40 <3~

Stars: ****

» Monday, April 7, 2008 / -7:11 PM bk from home..hehe..jus now went out to causeway pointde nokia shop to send mi [phone to repair..sian nia...they say gonna need 2-3day to repair...i comfirm it gonna extend 3 more days 1wk ba..hehe...cause last time oso like tt ma...sian...let see how life is without phone...hehe...lalas..after tt along the way go my previous mac there see see...hehe...saw some of my frens there..hahas..go there say hi ba..hehe...half of the mac is under renovation...for mac cafe...from wad i heard from my fren =) time go see again...hahas..after tt i went home..along the way..i go ply initiald again =x..hehe...then b4 ply i saw joeson at funland again..lolz...everyday he like at funlad de...-_-''...lolz...then saw hui min and not wit banana...only good fren ma....=)...dun anyhow think XD...hehe...after tt ply ply...hehe...then along the way home saw szeli....heehe..todae saw alot of ppl math for 2ml test...jy all =)

» / -3:42 PM

yoz..bk to post phone is spoil again...dam it la...walao..yesterday restart phone late at nite then phone spoil le...sian~~then todae morning woke up at 6.30pm..mum started to call mi wake up first...then i return to sleep...after tt i heard someone calling my name....and i thought tt it was my mum calling mi again..and i ans bk "orh"...then i woke up..i see around..oso no ppl lei..then my mum oso bk to her sleep was callin mi lei..cant be my dad cause he's in the bathroom up to how u see it ba..but i see it as a angel helpin mi bk waking mi up if not i will be late for sch again..lolz...=)...then go to sch..sian nia~~first was assembly...boring la..singin session i think..lolz...then first period was english...teacher continue pratice wit us oral exam..then 2nd period was physic...alas...copy notes..then 3rd and 4th period was PE...hahas..todae i go for 2.4km break my record..lalas...last week is 11.30min...lalas...thodae bo form....cause yesterday sleep at 1am tred...then came out 11min...last round sprint..lalas...then it was recess...blabla...after tt was chem..sian nia...stand for whole preiod...and teacher didnt even teach...-_-lame sia..lolz..trhen english again..teacher continue her teaching...then chem again..2period somemore...but mr goh came and told us tt he is bz wit something and tell u to go hall during math lesson..then 2 period of chem...go check our workbook...lalas...then last period was maths..hehe...go hall...completed my chem que...lalas...then slack lor..after tt pei 1/2 f9 go buy things bus stop was realli no mood la...sian nia...

I Loved You Even more every single day Day 39 <3~

stars: ***

» Sunday, April 6, 2008 / -3:40 PM

song heard this week

  1. whatever it takes by lifehouse
  2. 4 minutes by madonna ft justin timberlake
  3. bleeding love by leona lewis
  4. fated by ayumi hamasaki
  5. glitter by ayumi hamasaki
  6. cha jian er guo by lee sheng jie
  7. let's go,come on by manuel
  8. raisin" hell by fastway
  9. shawty get loose by lil mama ft chris brown and t-pain
  10. realize by colbie caillat

hahas....changed my blog song to whatever it takes by lifehouse...hehe...nice song~~~

I Love Her =D Day 37 <3~


» / -3:25 PM

posted this video before...but the previous one not tt clear and has been remove by the web...this one is beta...enjoy~~(pause my blog song b4 watching) =)
video about:wrestlemania 24 highlights

» Saturday, April 5, 2008 / -4:18 PM

lalas...todae is sat..but im stayin in home..lalas..use com..=)..lalas..i skip yesterday sch...but was hvin a great time after sch..hahas...after sch..we went out to swimming wit 4Bs guys at jurong there...lolz....after meeting them at there...i and san got prepare and rented the float...there's eric,andre,san,john,wei chen,joon guan,hong peng and mi..hahas...then we plyed high la..the life guard uncle scream wit us..hahas..went one go down the slide..dam funny la..ppl thought we siao one..hahas..but we dun realli care..cause is realli dam fun =D...then at the wave tt part...we ply until siao..woho,,so fun...then when around 7-8pm..the complex goin to close le..then like no ppl expect left us...hahas..then we ply a game...hehe...we fold ea other float and connect into a circle..then eliminate match...everyone one ppl will fall of their float...hahas...2nd i ply half way...leg keep crampin..pain la...omg... =x...lolz..then very fun la..but i scratch my face wit the rough edge of the float..cause my fren put the float onto mi..then scratch until my face..pain sia...but after awhile no more pain..but got red tt we go to near complex de coffee shop makan...hehe..dam hungry..hehe..after tt we went to jurong entertainment centre there de zonex ply initalD...hehe..eric and joon guan went home first..then left 6 ppl goin arcade...hongpeng created a new initiald card..lalas...then ply lor...hehe...after tt we ply until 10pm plus then go home...hehe...reach home like 12am sin on 2x...hehe...lalas..i gtg le...tata

I Love Her =D Day 36 <3~

stars: **

» Thursday, April 3, 2008 / -2:20 PM

lala.s.bk to post again..hahas..todae is thursday...nothing special ba...for most of all..but for mi ok la..hehe...crap~~lolz...first period was MT...but b4 tt i did something la...dun wish to tell...jus quite happi after doin it..XD..hhahas...history was okie...browsing though the note..then recess...lolz...sian many ppl cutting the Q...sian~~after tt was physic..lalas...then pretest worksheet..siao one one que.... 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 many 1 until i headache.then after tt was 2 period of compre..sian nia..i slept for awhile then complete b4 bell rang...walking to bus headache come bk sia...dun feel like tokin..then very pain la..then scold until one person..worri wor kai en...was abit rule jus now...cause head realli pain...lalas..then san come to my house there and take disc from mi..lalas..2ml after sch goin out wit boys from 4b1/2..hahas..swimming..woho~~lalas...kui en ar...remember to bring star forgettful de u...XD...bleh

I Love You =D Day 34 <3~

» Wednesday, April 2, 2008 / -3:19 PM

hahas...bk to post again..lalas...todae is wed...time fly i woke up late la..i 6.47 jus wake up..i see...die le lor..i faster go bath..then come ask...wan i drive u go anot...then i say okie make hair le.ride pian pian de...lolz...then faster go toliet make period was mt...teacher go check wit us ans for the "cloze passsage" book...ex 11-23 i think..i didnt do...then now say complete whole book....sia ar~~lolz..then it was chem.teacher check ans wit us for thoery workbook...lolz...then next peeriod was physic...i slept la..omg...die le la..i fell asllep la..shit!!!!!lolz...then before recess was history la..hahas..teacher go though the notes...and mins before recess...we tok about pricipal funny..~~lalas...recess~~then it was english....teacher tell us about oral exam thingy..and listen to cd about how ppl do ini to perform...lalas...then after tt was SS..lolz la..wekeep laughing and making silly noise...then teacher say..u all siao ar...lolz la...then 2 period of maths...i slept again...lolz..i slept infront of mrgoh i nvr get caught..lolz...but i force myslef not to sleep tt much in class le..will improve de...=D..lolz...after sch go check whether got cca anot..but oso nvr say...then hack care la..jus go home..lalas...o ya...after maths was go for a tallk or something...not tt bored...but after i listen...i think of myself"jus be urself can le free....dun hv to see how ppl look at you" i think the talk is abit pointless to mi~~to others i duno la...hahas..jus now go home..on the way go buy acash for my sin...then buy cup noodle..dam hungry again..lolz..gonna go eat agian...then fat fat~~~ >.<..hahas.. hahas...todea folded star no.1 for u..hope will hv more coming I Love You =D Day33

* < number of stars

» Tuesday, April 1, 2008 / -11:48 PM

» / -6:04 PM

hahas...bk to post again le..hehe...todae is tuesday..n is very happening in sch todae la..hhahas...todae i went early to sch..hahas..then todae is my turn to tok to ms the last..and im proud of tt =D..hehe...after tt was history..bbut teacher was busy wit we went to hall..hahas...we afew boy sat down and tok lot..after tt hahas....we joke until i and san lie on floor la...dam funny la..hahas...then ahbird and mu fng was lik O.O....??hahas..after tt 2nd period was maths...lalas...then it was chinese...hahas..teacher ask mi not to slp any more im decide not to slp le..hahas...indeed i nvr sleep...hahas...after tt was SS...teacher nvr came~~good...go hall again....hahas...went to tok to birdy,mu fang and jasmon..hahas...and i tok arbird bag's to see see..hahas...cause got reason ma..then i decide to carry it around lor...startin feel abit wierd la..hahas..then after tt ok decide on carrying it lor..then ahbird oso took my bag!!!..lolz..then i say...after recess then return carry down for recess lor...=D....hehe...after tt was dnt...bored la~~~hahas...sleep for 2 period la..hehe...after tt was after sch...go buy some food makan wit jun xin..go class...for math tution...teacher was late for frst we thought tt teacher crack april fool on us....but in the end he still came.lalas...after tt teacher let us go early...thus...i,san,benny,elson go find mschang for tution...hahas...teacher go tell us our weak points and how to inprove...hahas...then finish le..we gossip about...hahas...boys gossiping wit mschang!!omg..~~~hahas...after tt go home lor....hehe...kui en ar..remember to bring the paper hor...i promise i will fold bk de...=D~~lalas

I Love You =D Day 32 <3~

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